About Us...

About Us...
This is our travel blog... our electronic travel journal you could call it... documenting our journeys to new & different places. I called our blog, 'Tree Top Flyin'... a Jimmy Buffett reference that reminds me of traveling, & the adventures to be had with our newly acclaimed 'IFR' Pilot & his plane. We're a non-traditional family - living in non-traditional ways... and I love it that way. For the four of us life is quick & distinct... it's unique and adventuresome - but it's also very normal. We have angst, & we have laughter. We have pain and we have greatness. We're happy, and we're whole...this family, that is mine.

February 15-20, 2011

Vernon & Barb visit us in Wyoming

Vernon was best friends with Jim's Dad through high school, college, and then later in life until we lost Jim's Dad in a car accident. The last few years Vern has become a second Dad. He and Barb treat us like gold, and we've been spending a lot of time with them. They came to see the ranch, when there was a god-forsaken 47 inches of snow on our ground.

The fresh snow was so deep when we got to the entrance, that it clearly had to be plowed to get up to the house. So I huffed it up the hill to get a snow-machine while Jim started the bob-cat for plowing. I taxied Barb & Vern up one at a time. It was an abrupt, but very real way of introducing them to our ranch.

We had a place in J-Hole for 5 years before we traded it for Smoot. It's such a tourist hot-spot, we felt we had to give the Nebraska folk a good piece of the famous Cowboy Bar.

Vern on the saddle stools! We didn't even have a beer... just the camera and the gawks. The Jackson locals in general are so snobby, it made me very happy to be rid of it - and in my cheerful farm town of Smoot, WY.
Good times. It feels good to have people... to have family.

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