About Us...

About Us...
This is our travel blog... our electronic travel journal you could call it... documenting our journeys to new & different places. I called our blog, 'Tree Top Flyin'... a Jimmy Buffett reference that reminds me of traveling, & the adventures to be had with our newly acclaimed 'IFR' Pilot & his plane. We're a non-traditional family - living in non-traditional ways... and I love it that way. For the four of us life is quick & distinct... it's unique and adventuresome - but it's also very normal. We have angst, & we have laughter. We have pain and we have greatness. We're happy, and we're whole...this family, that is mine.

Jul7 28-31, 2011 - McDonald Family Reunion

'This is The Place' Utah.
This really IS The Place when my family is here.
There isn't a better party out there!
McDonald Family Reunion.
We spent some time in Heber, but this day - we visited the historical site of 'This is The Place'
My family is the best thing on the planet.

Let the Circus begin...

Kate & Parker.

Mom & Dad. Celebrated 35 years this year!

Elijah has become The Center of The Universe in our family.
Only grand-kid, only nephew. He's THE most perfect baby boy. He looks just like Jon when Melissa & I used to tote him around, dress him up, feed him dirt.
He was the baby when we played house.
I only wish there was as little competition around as there was when Jon was 2.
We're all learning to share Eli.
Jon, getting a shave.
I think we were all excited he was gonna get a real shave - and then we found out it was a theatrical show with a butter knife.
And then Bo wanted a piece of the action.
Handsome Dad.
Bo, consistently thinks babies and little kids are 'annoying'. But Eli has been the exception, and I have a hunch....
He told me recently that he was SO happy when Eli was born because, finally he wasn't the youngest in the family.

This is just a random and terrible photo of me (and Elijah) after a workout.
I am not one of those girls that looks cute at the gym. ugh.
Ty & Parker playing Chess. Parker... always competitive.
I think Ty might actually have surprised Park... they both love a good run-for-their-money.

Who is winning in this moment??
Parker is about as cool as it gets, according to the boys.

Ahhhhh... Cake Pops.

Katie and i decided we needed to make Cake Pops. They sort of inadvertently became the eye of our hurricane weekend.
So typical of my sisters and I.

Emily: Katie, we left the cake pop stuff at the cabin! Should we turn around!?
Katie: Ahhhh... screw it.
(That's for you Kate)

They looked nothing like the ones we saw at Starbucks and Nordstrom... surprised?

And then I guess we all decided to try to force Eli to eat them.... I didn't realize until I looked at the photos. Ha!

These are the days.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Haha! I love Bo's attitude : )