About Us...

About Us...
This is our travel blog... our electronic travel journal you could call it... documenting our journeys to new & different places. I called our blog, 'Tree Top Flyin'... a Jimmy Buffett reference that reminds me of traveling, & the adventures to be had with our newly acclaimed 'IFR' Pilot & his plane. We're a non-traditional family - living in non-traditional ways... and I love it that way. For the four of us life is quick & distinct... it's unique and adventuresome - but it's also very normal. We have angst, & we have laughter. We have pain and we have greatness. We're happy, and we're whole...this family, that is mine.

March 2012

We spent most of March in Australia - but I've blogged that to death already. No need to bore anybody with repeats. We loved Australia. If you missed the pics they're in 'older posts'. 

 Babies, Babies, Babies
My Mom & I hosted a baby shower for my little sister, Kate at my house in Sandy. Tons of family, lots of Kate's friends. We could not WAIT for that little girl to arrive.


Aunt Jill making her contribution to the group baby quilt. 
Jill has always been the MOST amazing Auntie to me! I never feel like a grownup around her.

Kate is lucky enough (as are we) to have the funnest, most gracious in-laws. I swear, Parker's Family was meant to be part of us. 

 More of Park's sisters... he has five! Combined with us four girls - the boys are always out-numbered. 

 Some McDonald's

My Mom & Me - and Lindley

Stacey swooped in like the friend she always is - to help my frantic-self with the final details. I have no photos of her because she was behind the camera most of the evening. Luckily she has a cute little behind... I had to document her presence. 

My sister-in-law, Jenn - with my baby niece Lindley... that little girls' smile never fades.

Kate & Charlene, I'd say the shower was a hit.

2012 Champions!!!
Jim won his hockey tournament, wahoo! And by the looks of this photo you'd think there'd be a check in the mail.
He's being silly in this photo because 'it's just league hockey' he says,
 but I happen to think it's a pretty big deal!

February 2012

SO much snow. 
Not as much as 2011, but it's a wonderland. 
We usually show up and I hike to the house and start a fire while Jim get's to plowin'. 
I eventually get really sick of the snow - but I love it. I've always thought - if I'm gonna be in snow, I want it to be POUNDing snow.
This is it.

It's nearly impossible to look cute in all the layers this weather requires, so I've just succumbed to looking ridiculous. 
Way funny.

 The Boys bundled up after a long day in the snow.

Building our hockey rink.

I don't know how Jim figures this stuff out, but the boys spent most of winter time with us, here on the ice.

Ty learning Dad's tricks

Little Man. 
The boys are both a little traumatized (Bo in particular) after my broken arm/snow machining incident. But they're learning to weed out the fear. 

Warming up in the barn with The Classic Cramer Stove Jim plumbed in. 
It's an old stove built by Jim's Uncles who had a hay-day manufacturing them in the 70's. 

Fitting in some play-time.

Janet & Erick visited from San Diego for a long weekend.
They were probably more than ready to head  back to their sunshine-surf lifestyle after a week in the snow.
I was back on the snow machine - cast in tact... my Mom would not be happy I was out there. 

The boys did their fair share of shooting. Don't they look bad!

Playing Auntie... my favorite role ever. 
Eli loves anything covered in yellow mustard, which makes it easy for the cook. 
I could squeeze him to the moon & back every day of my life.

Jimbo trying to instill the hockey gene early on.

My Bowling Birthday party - the guys surprised me.

Recapping January 2012

Street Hockey Continues

I started drying fruit & vegetables at the ranch - tomatoes are my favorite! No one else will eat them, so I get them all to my self

Grizzlies Game - they didn't do so hot this season but we love watching... both the game and the trashy crowd. If you can't beat 'em -join 'em! 

 This is what happens when I ask the boys to take a self-portrait. We'll save this photo for Bo's Grandchildren.

My Barn Kitties caught a grouse and brought it to the window to show their proud momma. The orange one is my first born, and has record-breaking hunting abilities. 
The boys call him the Jason Bourne of cats. He has survived two winters, six kitty companions (most likely sacrificed to the coytoes), and we have had not a single mouse in the house.