About Us...

About Us...
This is our travel blog... our electronic travel journal you could call it... documenting our journeys to new & different places. I called our blog, 'Tree Top Flyin'... a Jimmy Buffett reference that reminds me of traveling, & the adventures to be had with our newly acclaimed 'IFR' Pilot & his plane. We're a non-traditional family - living in non-traditional ways... and I love it that way. For the four of us life is quick & distinct... it's unique and adventuresome - but it's also very normal. We have angst, & we have laughter. We have pain and we have greatness. We're happy, and we're whole...this family, that is mine.

Recapping January 2012

Street Hockey Continues

I started drying fruit & vegetables at the ranch - tomatoes are my favorite! No one else will eat them, so I get them all to my self

Grizzlies Game - they didn't do so hot this season but we love watching... both the game and the trashy crowd. If you can't beat 'em -join 'em! 

 This is what happens when I ask the boys to take a self-portrait. We'll save this photo for Bo's Grandchildren.

My Barn Kitties caught a grouse and brought it to the window to show their proud momma. The orange one is my first born, and has record-breaking hunting abilities. 
The boys call him the Jason Bourne of cats. He has survived two winters, six kitty companions (most likely sacrificed to the coytoes), and we have had not a single mouse in the house. 

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