About Us...

About Us...
This is our travel blog... our electronic travel journal you could call it... documenting our journeys to new & different places. I called our blog, 'Tree Top Flyin'... a Jimmy Buffett reference that reminds me of traveling, & the adventures to be had with our newly acclaimed 'IFR' Pilot & his plane. We're a non-traditional family - living in non-traditional ways... and I love it that way. For the four of us life is quick & distinct... it's unique and adventuresome - but it's also very normal. We have angst, & we have laughter. We have pain and we have greatness. We're happy, and we're whole...this family, that is mine.

Puerta Vallerta, MX - May 23 - 26, 2008

This was a quick trip to Mexico. A long weekend where we honestly did nothing but sleep-in, lay by the pool, and eat. For those of you who know him, this is a HUGE stretch for Jim. He works SO hard to take us to all these great places, and has a really hard time experiencing the leisurely side of life. Always working towards the next big thing!

Our room was paradise.

Chips & Salsa @ My Service... Ha! I'm spoiled!

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